50 for 50: Dr. Nicole Stern
Dr. Nicole Stern

Dr. Stern (Mescalero Apache) is an urgent care physician at Sansum Clinic. Her clinical experiences range from academic internal medicine and medical school admissions, to volunteering with Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health’s Native Vision program, to caring for athletes at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. Her research includes published examinations of the obesity epidemic in American Indian children, rates of coccidioidomycosis in college athletes, gender gaps in primary care sports medicine, and the dearth of American Indians seeking academic medicine careers.
Dr. Stern has served as president and board member of the Association of American Indian Physicians and currently serves as AAIP’s liaison to the Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Student Affairs - Committee on Student Diversity Affairs. She contributed to “Reshaping the Journey: American Indians and Alaska Natives in Medicine,”presented at the National Cancer Policy Forum Workshop, “Applying Big Data to Address the Social Determinants of Health in Oncology,” and is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians.
In addition to her Stanford degree, Dr. Stern holds an MD from the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson. She completed her Internal Medicine internship and residency at the University of Arizona, Tucson and her fellowship in Primary Care Sports Medicine at the University of Oklahoma.
Nicole's Interview