Stanford Native Immersion Program 2021: A Pre-Orientation Experience
The Stanford Native Immersion Program (SNIP) is a five-day, fun and information-filled experience designed to welcome incoming frosh and transfers to the Farm. For the duration of the program, participants will stay on campus in their respective dormitories, attending out-door events led by current students and staff who direct them in activities, explore Native issues, and advise them on academic and student life at Stanford.
Activities include team and skill building exercises and introduction to Stanford leaders and resource providers. All in all, students will have time to learn important information about Stanford while making friends and meeting people who will be supportive during their first year on campus.
Participants will arrive at Stanford's Native American Cultural Center (Old Union Clubhouse, Ground Floor) by noon on Thursday, September 9. SNIP Applications closed in mid-July and notices of acceptance were on August 2, 2021. For more information contact Stanford’s Native American Cultural Center Director–Karen Biestman <>