Native Theme House History
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The Native theme house on campus has gone through many changes. Explore the history of the theme house and Muwekma-Tah-Ruk.
- Native American Theme at Loro-Mirlo complex in Florence Moore Hall for 1971-72.
- Native American Theme moves to Soto in Wilbur 1972-74 (includes frosh and transfers).
- Undergraduate Larry Rodgers paints “Soto Bird” mural at Soto. Rodgers also paints murals at SAIO headquarters—first in the Firetruck House and, a few years later, in the Clubhouse.
- Theme moves to Gavilan in Florence Moore as “Concentration” house in 1974-75.
- Native American Theme moves to Roble basement as a “Priority” house. Only a handful of Native students live there in what became known as “The Penthouse”, 1976-86.
- Native American Theme moved to Robinson House in Governor’s Corner, 1986-87.
- The Native American Theme moves to Lathrop House on the Row (including frosh and Resident Fellows) in 1988. Through collaboration with the indigenous Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, Lathrop House is renamed “Muwekma-Tah-Ruk” or the “House of the People.”
- The Stanford Museum of Art deaccessions 15 California Indian baskets to the Stanford Native American community. A “treaty” is signed by the Museum, the American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Program, and Residential Education before the baskets go to Muwekma-Tah-Ruk.
- Muwekma-Tah-Ruk hosts a“Hawaiian Seminar: Traditions, Culture, and History” culminates in an Alternative Spring Break to Oahu, Hawai'i. (Another ASB went to Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico.)
- Muwekma-Tah-Ruk celebrates its 10th Anniversary. House residents presented the Muwekma Tribe with a commemorative plaque on the occasion of the blessing of the House.
- Residential Education announces a plan to move the Native American theme from Muwekma-Tah-Ruk (formerly Lathrop House) to Yost at Governor's Corner. Although coinciding with the University's move to rehouse sororities on campus, the alleged reasons sited for relocating the Native American theme were the high cost of making the house accessible, historical architectural integrity, and our community “outgrowing” Muwekma.
- SAIO mobilized quickly and united with alumni, staff, friends, the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, and the other students of color to defend the House. The House is remodeled during the summer of 1998 resulting in the addition of an accessible student room on the first floor. Muwekma-Tah-Ruk remains in its location at 543 Lasuen Mall.